Lightning Shorthand PhrasesThese phrases are constructed from words in the built-in vocabulary. A slash indicates a new stroke within a word. A dash indicates a double-tap.
is this the same pla/ce or a di/f-fer/ent one
when did she say they th/ink they will get here whe/re have you been dur/ing the last few days how do you like your new a/part/ment in the c/ity she said the l/ight was too low to read for very long did he find th/ose yes/ter/day morn/ing or last n/ight every/th/ing is just fine, but no/th/ing is as it sh/ould be I th/ought he c/ould/n't but he call/ed and said he w/ould c/ould you take this over there and set it down on the co/un/ter who/ever has made en/ough time for w/ork does/n't have any in life what can we do if he de/parts with/out ask/ing for more in/form/at/ion whi/ch one of the two rooms w/ould you like to sh/are with your fri/end th/ings have got/ten bet/ter even th/ough it does/n't look that way we did/n't stop by in time to see them be/ca/use they left so so/on how many more peo/ple must of/fer their in/put be/fore it's done their comp/any went un/der but may find a way to come back only time will tell whe/ther its num/ber is go/ing to come up we were hav/ing a gr/eat time when the po/li/ce ar/ri/ved why do/n't you take some time of-f and get some re/st th/ose of us on the r/ight or left have quit the cen/ter by next year sh/or/th/and will be high/ly pop/u/lar well in any case this is a real/ly good con/cept thank you very much, ple/ase come a/gain